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About NMGA

Working for New Mexico Since 1955

Founded November 16th, 1955,  the New Mexico Grocers Association (NMGA) has represented independent community grocers located in nearly every city across New Mexico, and the wholesalers that service them.  Our organization also represents  affiliated associations, manufacturers, and service suppliers as well as other entrepreneurial companies that support NMGA’s mission and philosophy. 


NMGA works to ensure ongoing economic advancement and prosperity for New Mexico’s community and remains the only trade association in New Mexico to focus exclusively on representing the independent sector of the food industry. 


In response to skyrocketing insurance rates, members of the New Mexico Grocers Association and New Mexico Restaurant Association joined forces by pooling together their workers compensation premiums to create the Food Industry Self-Insurance Fund of New Mexico (FISIF).  FISIF started in 1989 with 29 members and today boasts a membership of 322 grocery stores and restaurants throughout New Mexico.


The FISIF program is now 35 years old.  Many of our members have been in the program since the beginning.  The program currently covers approximately 23,000 New Mexico employees and $517 million in payroll.

FISIF is a not-for-profit membership group that routinely returns surplus fund savings back to its partner members.  In 2023, FISIF returned $1.4 million in fund savings back to the members.  Since inception, FISIF has returned $22.2 million to industry employees.


Palace of the Governors Photo Archives

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